Saturday 23 May 2009


Right now there's a free exhibition of Christopher Cook's graphites showing in the Peninsula Arts Gallery in the Roland Levinsky Building at the University. Christopher Cook makes extraordinary images using a suspension of graphite pigment on aluminium. His work incorporates landscape imagery and other elements but arranges them in imaginary compositions that have great poetic resonance. If you're coming to the Writers' Party at 6pm on Tuesday 26 May 2009, room 008 in the same building you might want to arrive early and see this stunning art show while you can.
    We have a full schedule of readers for the open mic, together with guest poet Ann Gray who will be reading from her new book At the Gate published by Headland.
    The Writers' Party is a free event hosted by the University and open to all. We particularly welcome students and visitors who want to find out about the Plymouth MA in Creative Writing. Wine and soft drinks will be served.


  1. A lovely gathering; thanks for the invite.

  2. A great evening with some talented and insightful readings.
